
working in a coal mine

It was my first day back at work for the summer. I folded and folded various items of clothing until I just couldn't fold anymore.

Nothing very interesting happened tonight, except I think I saw a gypsy child. She was carrying around a marionette (which is probably spelled wrong). You don't see a lot of small girls carrying marionettes around stores. And at the time it just seemed logical to me that she was a gypsy.

Oh, and I think they have turned the music down a little. This is good, because I constantly whistle, and I always whistle better songs than are piped through the store sound system every night. To make things even worse, the music is on about a six-hour loop, and so if you work for eight hours you hear the same songs again. Most people probably would not recognize the fact that they are hearing the same songs in the same order, but my job is really very dull so I have time to think about these things.

And I saw Beth!! I waved to her wildly, but I had been sent on a mission to find shorts for the people at the service desk. The shorts were from last season, so there weren't any more, but the lady wanted to return them, so I just found some mostly similar ones and gave them the upcs for them.

Last night, Space Ghost was just about as funny as Space Ghost gets. "I'm crou-tingly."

That is all. I am waiting for Thursday and the triumphant return of Clarksville community garage sale weekend.

11:41 p.m.

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