
can you say 'condescending?'

I went to Kalamazoo to see We Ragazzi, Kleenex Girl Wonder, and Utah last night. I have the feeling that We Ragazzi is really incredible live, but I couldn't really see any of them at all. Everyone is so much taller than me.

Kleenex Girl Wonder was kind of a surprise for me though. I mean really, really, thoroughly enjoyable. They look like little kids but they swear and drink beer. And they play some catchy songs. It was fun. Not amazingly brilliant. Just fun.

We left before Utah played. I wanted to see them, but I had to get up early this morning, and it was already 12.30. I was tired and sweaty and my eyes were begging me to get out into some fresh air and still had an hour and a half drive before I could get home and go to bed and get up again at 8. I think there's something wrong with me. I didn't used to need so much sleep.

I am getting a little sick of this whole thing. "It's not the band I hate, it's their fans." Ugh. I can only handle large groups of these people for short periods of time.

And please tell me why they drew an X on my hand if I couldn't get back in after leaving the building? I didn't want to go back, of course, but why? And why am I taking the time to ponder this when the X is completely gone?

Moving on, the reason I had to get up so early is because today I went on a field trip with my mom and my brother's school. We went to the Frederick Meijer Gardens and looked at plants. My brother couldn't care less about this. If you try to make him look at anything, he looks somewhere else. You say, "Hey Jason, look at the purple flower!" And he looks down. So you turn his head toward the flower and his eyes go off to the side.

Whatever, at least the teachers had a day out.

Everytime I go on these things, I feel like I should be more interested in special education. I was thinking that I could volunteer somewhere when I go back to school, since it's a little too late to do it here. But I think I'm only doing this to feel better about myself, not really because I have any interest in this and then I feel bad.

I don't know. After that I bought some shirts. And a bag. And tomorrow I am going to my grandparent's house. Woo hoooooo.

12:19 a.m.

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