
Any story that could be titled Kim vs. Canine is bound to end in sadness for me.

Ever since I moved to this apartment, I've been engaged in a psychological war with a neighborhood dalmation. The other morning things really came to a head, and I was going to tell an exciting story of Kim vs canine. I even microsoft painted some diagrams. But then a couple of days went by, and I can't seem to work up the same amount of passion for the situation that I initially felt. Long story short, I will henceforth avoid walking past that house whenever possible.

Unrelatedly, if the question was "For how many days can I eat only wheat pita bread with hummus, cucumbers, carrots, and sprouts for lunch and dinner before I go completely insane from the boringness?" the answer would be seven. Tomorrow it is omlettes for dinner! Carrot and frozen broccoli and extra sharp cheddar cheese omlettes. The thought of eating something different makes me feel giddy.

10:57 p.m.


The feeling is not mutual.

So, hello, I got into (a not really very selective, apparently) grad school*.

And NASA is celebrating my birthday by launching a space shuttle.

The world loves me.

*My parents called me tonight about an hour after I found out and asked me what was new, and the whole grad school thing didn't even occur to me. One might wonder why I bothered to apply.

11:46 p.m.


I'm not sure if this is a step up or down from spending Saturday night with a book.

When you are poor you have to make your own fun. Which I guess explains why the roommate and I spent Saturday night trying on prom dresses at the mall. In a cruel twist of fate, the batteries in my camera died after dress #1 (which, sadly, wasn't a prom dress at all, but a dress that I might have actually considered buying if I had money and/or the need to own a nice dress), so I still don't have any pictures of myself in a prom dress (um, I didn't go to prom, which is probably no big surprise to anyone).

2:45 p.m.


When we were 12 or 22.

I started this a couple of days ago, but I got stuck on part three and had to think for a while. If you think that it is boring, you can blame oh-sweet-pea!

I. Ten Random Songs
Instructions: Put your MP3 player on "shuffle" and list the first ten songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.

"Conjugate the Verbs" Enon - I remember that the very first time I ever heard this song, I was shelving books at the science library. In the southeast corner of the fourth floor. I'm not sure why I remember all that.

"I Should Care" Julie London

"Bleed Forever" Super Furry Animals

"Soul and Fire" Sebadoh

"It's So You" the Dismemberment Plan

"First to Finish, Last to Start" Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

"Goodbye West Coast" Matt Sharp

"We All, Us Three, Will Ride" Palace

"Shop Around" Smokey Robinson and the Miracles

"The Wild Kindness" Silver Jews

II. Question and Answer Section
Read question. Answer question.

What is the total amount of music files on your computer?


The last CD you bought is:

I have every intention of buying the new Low album soon, but I can't remember the last cd that I bought. It must've been sometime before Christmas.

What is the song you last listened to before beginning this meme?

"River Man" Nick Drake - I'm listening through all of my cds alphabetically (to see if there are things that I can get rid of or things that I have forgotten that I really really like (like dEUS)), and I'm on d. That was an exciting explanation! (Although, I guess that if you have to point out that something is exciting, it probably isn't.)

III: Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.

1. "Fresher Than the Sweetness in Water" Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - It's just so simple and pretty and clean sounding.

2. "The Transfiguration" Sufjan Stevens - I have a lot of bizarre guilt issues about religion and music that are hard to explain, but this song combines the two into something that I can listen to without worrying about the eternal resting place of my soul.

3. "Two-Headed Boy Part 2" Neutral Milk Hotel - There are days when I would rather listen to this song than eat or sleep or shower. This has actually been proved.

4. "Make 'Em Laugh" Donald O'Connor - At the time I thought the price was outrageous, but the Singin' in the Rain soundtrack lp was the best $2 I ever spent.

5. "Animal Farm" the Kinks - Because I grew up near some cows. And because it IS a hard, hard world and it does get me down, and sometimes I just want to go to where real animals are playing.

IV: Pass this stick to three persons and explain why.

Um. I'm not going to. I'm not good at giving commands or suggestions or compelling anyone to do anything.

8:34 p.m.


Checking my Sitemeter stats is usually not so rewarding.

Usually I'd be mad that someone was hotlinking one of my images, but this time I'm just amused that a picture of me is currently appearing on a message board at rapmusic.com.

Plus (plus!), it is being used to prove something about the attire of cowboys! I actually know very little about how cowboys dressed (or about cowboys generally), but I am reasonably sure that they did not wear floppy straw hats with fake flowers on them or flowery bandanas.

In any case, though, today my life RULES!

12:01 a.m.


The only thing worse than bad memories.

Today we were at the store, and I told the roommate that I needed to buy dried cranberries because I wanted to make white chocolate cranberry granola bars. I said that I didn't know if Meijer sold dried cranberries and she said, "Yes they do. They're Craisins!"

And I said, "Craisins? I thought those were flavored raisins. I always assumed that it stood for crazy raisins, or something like that."

She said, "It's nice that you have invented a story about Craisins that is just completely wrong."

PS: Kayemess reminded me that the last time I wrote before the time before this time (what?), I was all worked up about a grad school letter. As it turned out, it was just verifying that they had received my application, which was something they had already sent me an email about. Plus, I sent in the application a long time ago, so it seemed a little late to just be saying that. But whatever, grad school!

12:39 a.m.


It was a large burrito, but its impressiveness was not merely due to its size.

I went to my parents' house for the weekend, and on Friday night my mom and I watched Tootsie, because it was on TV and it was something to do. My mom said that she and my dad had gone to see it in the theater, which seemed a little odd to me, because my parents hardly ever go see moves now. After the movie was over, that guy that always talks about the movies on Turner Classic Movies said that it came out in 1982. I was an infant in 1982 (and my brother was 3), so I asked her what she did with us while they went to the movie. She said, "Hmm. I don't know."

At first I was offended, since my mom remembers going to see Tootsie, but has no virtually no recollection of having children at the time. At first I was a little offended by this, but now I have come to terms with the fact that my mom can remember parts of her life that don't involve me. This is partly because, after some math that I made far more difficult than it really needed to be, I realized that in 1982 my mom was only slightly older than I am now. I go see all kinds of movies that are way trashier than Tootsie. If I had kids, would I remember which neighboorhood 14-year old I dumped them off with while I went to see Harold and Kumar go to White Castle? Probably not.

Also while at my parents house, I began to make oatmeal cookies without realizing that there wasn't any oatmeal, and my mom said that my dad would probably call before he came home from work and we could tell him to bring some. Every time the phone rang, I answered with a hearty, "BRING OATMEAL!" There were some confused telemarketers that day. Eventually, my dad did call, and he brought oatmeal and I made some fine, if boring, oatmeal raisin cookies (and I improved the last pan immensely by adding pecans and coconut and chocolate chips).

Also while at my parents house (it was a big weekend), a man tried to speak Pennsyvania Dutch to me in Meijer, but he was basically just talking to himself because I don't speak or understand Pennsylvania Dutch. Then he said (in English), "You're going to be as tall as your mom!" and my my said, "She's 23! She's not getting any taller!"

After that we went out for dinner. Usually I cook myself a big pot of something and eat it for a week. It's getting to the point that when I'm faced with a menu at a restaurant, I get overwhelmed by the amount of choices and worry and think so hard about it that you'd think that my life, and the lives of all the people I love, depend on what I am going to order for dinner. It's even worse when I'm with my parents and I don't have to order the cheapest thing available. I ordered tamales, and as soon as the waitress walked away I was filled with regret about not getting a burrito. Four days later, I still feel a little sad about it. They were impressive burritos.

3:50 p.m.


Decided to be brave and hide away.

Today I got a letter from the grad school I applied to, but I haven't opened it yet. It could just be a letter saying something like, "Hello, we received your application! Stay tuned!" which means that I could open it right now. But it could also be a letter saying whether or not I got in (and quite frankly, it doesn't look substantial enough to be a letter of acceptance (because that should have confetti and streamers and a congratulatory cupcake inside, right? If I wasn't accepted, it means that I have to figure out what I'm doing with the rest of my life and do it. Being accepted means I'll have to figure out if I want to go, where I'm going to live, and how I'm going to be able to stay alive having even less money than I do now. Plus, I'd have to give up reading for pleasure and watching reruns of tv shows that I've already seen dozens of times (King of the Hill, I am looking in your direction). Also, since I graduated from college, my social skills have gotten worse (which is kind of amazing), and it isn't very likely that I will befriend and/or speak to anyone in any of my classes.

So either way I'm going to stress out.

I don't know. I wish that this letter's contents were somehow hinted at by the outside. If it is nothing important than I'd like to open it and not have to worry about it anymore. As it is, I'm just going to let it sit here, occasionally trying to sneak a look through the address window (so far I've seen "Dear Kimberly,"), or holding it up to the light and straining to see through the envelope (hey, I just made out the words "Access ID." that sounds promising, right?).

9:02 p.m.


Also, I ate some expired pancake syrup, because what was I supposed to do? Eat naked waffles?

I get really congested every night. I end up having to breathe through my mouth and I wake up feeling dried out and miserable. This has been happening since I was in high school, because I remember my mom would always comment on how much I coughed in the morning (which is weird, because I don't remember ever actually seeing my mom in the morning before school. I must have, but all I can remember is hurrying to feed my cat and make it to the bus), but I only just last night realized that taking a decongestant before I go to sleep might possibly help the situation.

I thought that I had some Meijer-brand Sudafed somewhere, because several doctors told me that it would help my ear problem, and even though it didn't seem to do any good, for a while I diligently bought Sudafed and took it every day. And then for some reason, one day I had had enough and I stopped, even though I had half of a 48 caplet box left. I dug around in my closet for a while and eventually unearthed the half box of Sudafed. Since I couldn't remember when I'd bought it, I checked the packaging carefully for an expiration date. I found one after about 10 minutes of searching: 9/04.

Then I shrugged, swallowed two expired, store-brand Sudafed, and took a couple of hits off of my also-expired Vick's inhaler. I didn't feel any better this morning.

Now, though, I feel unbelievably good. Is it the new shoes (Mary Janes marked down to $5.62 from $50!)? Is it the lentil soup that I ate for lunch/dinner (what do you call the meal you eat at 3:30 before you go to work at 5?)? Is it the fact that I am purseless (I was trying to decide what one looked less bad with my coat, and then I decided that all I needed were my keys and my time card and those would both fit in my coat pocket. purselessness makes me feel so free.)? Is it the handful of chocolate-covered Macadamia nuts I ate before leaving home? Who knows! Most likely it is some weird, air-pressure related thing, and within a week it will change and leave me horribly depressed, but until then, happiness!

7:29 p.m.


Every time I write an entry here I think, "The next entry will be more organized and well written and generally good."

Today I got my computer back, and it has a brand new keyboard on which all the keys work! Space bar, I have missed you! And m! Without you I could not talk about me me me, which made the whole diaryland thing very difficult.

I just sat here for a long time trying to figure out what I used to use my computer for, and I realized that the only thing I've missed about having it is internet radio. In the past two weeks I have moved my stereo all over my room, attempting to get any radio station besides 89X (which claims to be Detroit's new rock alternative, but I KNOW THAT YOU ARE REALLY FROM WINDSOR, 89X! CIMX! C! WHAT IS THAT? We have Ws and Ks in this here country!) For the last three days it's just been sitting in the middle of my floor, and although that was where it worked the best, I tripped over it every morning because I try to delay the day by refusing to turn on lights (it's still dark! it can't possibly be morning!), but it never works.

My mouth tastes like I have been eating cloves of garlic all night (which is not what I have been doing) and I am feeling anxious (which you might have already figured out because I just typeyelled at a radio station that I don't even listen to) for no apparent reason. I think I am going to go brush my teeth.

(This new keyboard is quiet. At last, I can type and hide at the same time!)

10:33 p.m.

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