
sunny sunshine

So, my New Year's resolution is to update this thing EVERY DAY. See, I'm starting early so I might possibly have a chance of getting it done and if I put in the "well, at least as much as possible" clause, I never actually do it and then it gets all sad and there are months between entries and it's really pathetic.

Classes are winding to a close and I am happier about this than I'm willing to admit to. Today was the last of the Tues/Thurs classes, and there was applause after my English lecture. . . which makes me really mad. . . I mean, I liked the class, but the man just was doing his job. . .As I've said about 12 times today, I don't clap for my banker (but mostly I use an ATM so that's kind of not the point, anyway).

I left work an hour early today, but it was real, legitimate, boss ok'd early departure. I was in the elevator and he held open the doors and said, essentially, that since I did so much work yesterday, I could just leave after I did the two little things that were on the list for me to do today. So I got out and printed my final English paper and walked around in the sunny sunshine (the nice weather we've been having is enough to fool you into thinking this is actually a decent place to live) and listened to Pet Sounds.

9:13 p.m.

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