
subterranean lovesick shoes

i had a really exciting conversation with beth at work. blah blah blah. it was so cool. you shouldn't have to work to be friends with people. you shouldn't have to worry about entertaining them or saying stupid things to them. and i don't, when i talk to beth. yay.

i do feel, however, that we may have been disturbing the others in the cafeteria. i am sorry.

i have three stupid things to say:

(1) some boys are so damn cute it makes me sad to be alive and afraid to talk to them. you know who you are. oh, the agony.

(2) i am a huge huge slob. i try not to be, i try to hide it, but there's nothing i can do to change that.

(3) clothes are important. we wear uniforms at work, and so right now assumptions are based totally on shoes, which is risky business.

so anyway, i am going to see mogwai tomorrow! at last, a break from the drudgery.

12:31 a.m.

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